Entering Baseflow

Baseflow represents the lateral inflow and outflow from groundwater. For a full explanation of the baseflow property and means of entering baseflow values, see the Hydraulic properties page. This page describes, step-by-step, how to enter change in baseflow over a channel reach. For this method, baseflow must be assigned along a reach between tributary channels.

Step-by-step instructions

1. Select Edit | Set Baseflow.

2. Locate the desired upstream cell of the channel reach.

Click the  Select button, then click on the desired cell within the Main Display. As an alternative, select the desired cell from the Upstream Cell drop down list, as shown at right.


3. Locate the desired downstream cell of the channel reach.

Click the  Select button and click on the desired cell in the Main Display, or select the cell from the Downstream Cell drop down list.

4. Enter the baseflow value as change in baseflow over the channel reach.

Enter the desired value in the Baseflow Contribution field. Select units of cfs or cms (metric). Negative values are acceptable, to represent outflow to the subsurface and/or groundwater.

5. Click Set Baseflow.

6. View computed baseflow values.

Baseflow values of cms/m (metric) or cfs/ft (US standard) are computed and assigned to each cell along the channel reach. To view baseflow values, select a channel cell along the river reach, then open the Hydraulics panel.